Greensboro Spring Powerskating Clinic (April 26-27th 2025)
2-day on-ice powerskating clinic to be held at the Greensboro Ice House that will cover all aspects of powerskating. Clinic will be taught at the advanced level (ages 11+) and the fundamental level (ages 10 and under)
Spring Powerskating Series (March-May) 2025
Weekly series of on-ice powerskating clinics to be held at the Polar Ice House, Garner NC. The clinics will be taught at 2 levels: the advanced level (ages 12+), and the fundamental level (ages 11 and under).
Summer Pre-Season BootCamp (August 4-7) Registration Opens Feb. 16th
4-day intensive powerskating & skills camp for experienced hockey players of all levels. The camp will include a total of 2.5 hours of ice time per day divided into two sessions. Instruction will cover all aspects of powerskating. The camp will be offered at the advance level (ages 11+) and the fundamental level (ages 10 and under).
Advanced Powerskating weekly class series (Polar Ice House Garner, NC)
SOLD OUT FOR SPRING 2022 SESSION!!!! This series of on-ice live skills classes for ages 11+ cover various powerskating skills in a small group setting. The classes will be limited to 20 players.
Fundamentals of Powerskating walk-in weekly classes (Polar Ice House, Garner, NC)
These drop-in classes are intended to teach the fundamentals of powerskating. The classes are for ages 10 and up, and will include a mix of skill levels. The classes will be limited to 12 players.