Ryan DuPraw Ryan DuPraw

Why Driblades can be even more powerful than on ice training?

Breakthrough in Off-Ice Hockey Training.

A little known company and NHL kineseology trainer from Canada has been quietly up to groundbreaking advancements in the world of off-ice hockey training. The connection between off-ice work transitioning to on ice gains has always had merit, but it’s always been a detour of how to directly connect it…… Until now!

Driblades has not only changed the game, but in some respects (for those thought leaders and innovators) it’s making faster gains and correcting imbalances far greater than just training on ice.

Lane Pederson Driblades Hockey Training

We tend to give the greatest attention to our upper, lower, and core. Coaches and trainers for years have focused on explosive power from the quads, glutes, core, and upper body, but have neglected some of the most powerful muscle groups for hockey players on the frontal plain (lateral). THE HIPS! THE ADDUCTORS & ABDUCTORS.

Driblades not only target muscles that aren’t being actived in practice or the gym, but they actually force you to “regress in order progress” as Kelly Riou is quoted, the creator of Driblades.

Name the area of difficulty or weakness…

  • Stride Power & Legnth

  • Ankle mobility or imbalance

  • Hip mobility or imbalance

  • Knee & Hip Bend for deep skating

  • Transitions

  • Laterals and Crossovers

  • Edgework……

  • and the list goes on……

    They can all be addressed and improved faster with Driblades than on ice work.

    Yes, they are a resource to be used with an expert coach and with your on-ice work, but if used correctly they can slow you down to be put in the correct mechanics that the slippery and frictionless ice can’t create.

Times have changed and once the thought was the more ice time, the more improvement, until data showed two things. More time using incorrect mechanics doesn’t lead to improved skating. Also, mechanics breakdown over the season not vice-versa.

With ice-time at a premium these days and even more attention going away from skating technique and more to team systems and positioning….. There is no better time than Now….

…..to start Driblading.

Have a Great ONE!

Coach Ryan


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Putting it all together.

Being a dynamic skater and explosive skater doesn’t happen by accident. Yes, there are talented players that just seem to touch the ice at the ripe ol age of 3 or 4 like they put on this earth to wear skates. However the majority of hockey players that rise to the highest ranks of prep, junior, collegiate, and pros are not brought into this world blazing down the ice!

The vast majority of players that go on into the hockey ranks for Learn to Skate start with very meager beginnings. Sometimes the years of hard work get lost in stories that later turn into hockey lore and legends. And if you go looking to research the subject……well…. it’s just anything else. You can get lost in a riddle of advice with contradicting theories and philosophies…..

“They just need tons of ice time.” “It’s all about foot speed!” “Only figure skaters make the best skaters.” “Strength is the key to being a fast skater.”

The interesting fact is this ………..after years of being a learning skater, to playing, to being mentored, to coaching, I have come to develop my own theories. The truth is I believe it’s many, many components that make a dynamic and explosive skater.

Here are some of the characteristics and points that I feel all work together.

  • Technique & muscle memory at a young age and throughout your career.

  • God given athletic talent and abilities.

  • Foot speed and quick twitch muscle groups.

  • Power and strength

  • Explosiveness & rebounding which is quite different than pure strength.

  • Edge control & Body control

  • Flexibility

  • Multisport exposure

  • Time and repetitions on ice

  • Great coaching

  • Time on ice for play and experimenting with creativity.

Need more help finding your next gear? Grab your Free copy of drills to help you start getting faster on the ice right here! https://duprawpowerskating.samcart.com/products/5-drills-that-make-you-faster